Currently used currencies with the same name in English around the world

Currently used currencies with the same name in English around the world


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Currencies of the EU and the US as of 2023. The top 3 most valued currencies in the world are US Dollar, EU Euro, and China Renminbi. All US Dollars money is valued at $20 trillion. All EU Euro money is valued at $12.5 trillion. All China Renminbi...The main etymologies of European currencies (pre-euro)1 USD in Different Currencies of the WorldCurrencies of the WorldEtymologies of African Currencies.Names of currencies map.World postal & currency map, 1907.
More old maps of the world >>Use of currencies by country.
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First of all, the criteria that have been used to decide which countries and territories go into which category (or get shown on this map at all): these are current UN member states plus some non-member...Countries and territories with similarly named official currencies.Shared names among the world’s currencies
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