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Drake, populariser of the Toosie Slide, performing in Paris, 2017.
Drake, populariser of the Toosie Slide, performing in Paris, 2017. Photograph: EDMOND/SIPA/REX/Shutterstock
Drake, populariser of the Toosie Slide, performing in Paris, 2017. Photograph: EDMOND/SIPA/REX/Shutterstock

From Godard's big mouth to Drake's Toosie Slide: the Observer culture quiz

This article is more than 4 years old

Test your arts knowledge with these questions from our critics

  1. 1.What can you see in every scene in David Fincher’s Fight Club?
  2. 2.Jean-Luc Godard is known for his pithy pronouncements on cinema. Which if the following did he not say?
  3. 3.What do Angelina Jolie, Matt Damon and Jeff Bridges have in common? Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon in the 2007 film The Good Shepherd.
  4. 4.Before Megan Fox was famous, she had a job which required her to dress up as what?
  5. 5.Which Young British Artist did not exhibit in the first, pioneering Freeze show?
  6. 6.Jacopo Robusti is also known as…
  7. 7.Puccini described the disastrous premiere of one of his most popular operas as “a lynching”. Which opera?
  8. 8.Which drug-addicted fictional detective played a stringed instrument?
  9. 9.Villanelle, the protagonist in the book series behind the TV show Killing Eve, is the creation of which former specialist writer for a national newpaper?Jodie Comer as Villanelle in series three of Killing Eve.
  10. 10.The title card (a shot with images and/or text, also known as an intertitle, inserted at segment intervals) for which UK TV series featured a penny farthing?
  11. 11.Which terrestrial channel broadcast a soap opera at 8pm on its launch night?
  12. 12.Which star of the BBC con artist show Hustle recorded an audiobook of Chris Ryan’s Alpha Force: Survival?
  13. 13.Which was the first original play by a living female dramatist to be produced on the National’s Olivier stage?
  14. 14.Which play contains a conjuring governess?
  15. 15.Which playwright inspired Nina Simone’s To Be Young, Gifted and Black?Nina Simone performing in Algiers, 1969.
  16. 16.When asked “What is jazz?” who replied “Madam, if you don’t know by now, don’t mess with it!”?
  17. 17.Only one member of the Beach Boys actually surfed. Was it…
  18. 18.How do you do the Toosie Slide, as per Drake’s recent single?
  19. 19.Ed Sheeran names his guitars. Which of these is not a Sheeran axe?Ed Sheeran with a guitar, name unknown.
  20. 20.Who designed Florence’s Pazzi Chapel?
  21. 21.Which architectural style came first?

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