I am impressed with the profiles that have been submitted thus far. It is wonderful to learn background information on each of you and to hear you experiences in your WLM. I believe hearing these things help others validate that they are moving down the right path with WLM and that there are many people who share the same feelings as they do and experience the same challenges in the WLM journey. You can see there are both similarities and differences in how couples approach their WLM. There is a lot of great advice embedded in the profiles. I encourage you all to read through the profiles.

I also want to point out that there are comments in the profiles and a few of you have posted comments. If you’ve written a profile, you may want to check back every now and then to see if anyone has commented. Feel free to reply to comments posted on your profile, but it’s purely up to you if you want to do so. 

Finally I want to encourage everyone to submit profiles of your own. The profiles and a template for doing a profile is on the right side of the blog. If you’ve submitted a profile and don’t see it, let me know.  I’ve published all profiles that have been submitted.

Thanks and stay safe everyone!

-Mz Kaylee

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