SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Tuesday afternoon we received an update on Sioux Falls city finances. Director of Finance Shawn Pritchett cautioned that the information is through the month of March, and doesn’t include a lot of expected impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. Sales tax numbers have been trending up, however.

“Again I have to reiterate the fact that these numbers would not reflect changes to the economy as a result of the COVID pandemic,” Pritchett said. “The numbers that we have for March relate to February sales that would have occurred in the community, by residents of the community.”

We also got an update on the much-discussed downtown parking ramp.

“We were originally anticipating a mid-June time frame for opening it, we are now presently looking at a mid-July opening for that ramp,” Pritchett said. “Part of it has to do with a delay of an elevator getting delivery.”