While we’re collectively sheltering in place, we all could use some entertainment. And for the design set, it’s best if that entertainment is filled with inspiration that will encourage us to live our best lives at home. With that in mind, Architectural Digest is launching AD Visits, a weekly Instagram show hosted by AD editor in chief Amy Astley, featuring home tours and design talks that aesthetes will appreciate.
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Episode one, which launched yesterday on @ArchDigest’s IGTV, is a sunny start to the series. The 13-minute video focuses on the healing power of the outdoors—something we can all lean on in these circumstances. Perched on a Josef Frank–upholstered sofa with her dog Bear at her side, Astley kicks things off from her own home, speaking about the importance of diversions right now. She then passes the proverbial mic off to fashion stylist Djuna Bel and artist-designer Nikolai Haas, who take viewers through their whimsical L.A. home. Sans professional camera crews, the self-guided tour is just as much a reflection of the couple as their delightfully idiosyncratic dwelling, filled with show-stopping artworks and custom furnishings galore. But perhaps most notable is the residence’s seamless relationship between the indoors and outdoors, where the duo has installed an alfresco bathtub, a steam room, a yoga deck, and more delights. It’s exactly the sort of sun-speckled home base that many are likely dreaming about in this unusual time.
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After seeing how one family has brought nature into their home lives, the episode transitions to a conversation between Clever editor Nora Taylor and two individuals who are well versed in all things green: AD100 designer Brian Sawyer and houseplant aficionado Christopher Griffin, also known as Plant Kween. The trio chats about which of their own plants are currently flourishing, where they are buying plants during the pandemic, and what species they would recommend for beginners. It’s a reminder that no matter what kind of space you—or your clients—are in, carving out pockets of fresh air and nature is always possible.
Tune into AD Visits next Monday for another healthy dose of home inspiration.