CNN host Chris Cuomo apparently went off on CNN during his SiriusXM show on Monday, saying that he does not like what he does professionally and that he thinks CNN is “trafficking in things that I think are ridiculous.”
“I don’t want to spend my time doing things that I don’t think are valuable enough to me personally,” Cuomo said, according to the New York Post. “I don’t value indulging the rationality, hyper-partisanship.”
The Post reported that Cuomo’s battle with the coronavirus has made him rethink his values and what matters to him as a person.
“I don’t like what I do professionally,” Cuomo said. “I don’t think it’s worth my time.”
The Post reported:
Speaking about his job as the host of CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” the Queens-born anchor said he doesn’t want to spend his time “trafficking in things that I think are ridiculous.”
Like “talking to Democrats about things that I don’t really believe they mean” and “talking to Republicans about them parroting things they feel they have to say.”
“I don’t think its worth it to me because I don’t think I mean enough, I don’t think I matter enough, I don’t think I can really change anything, so then what am I really doing?” Cuomo continued. “I’m basically being perceived as successful in a system that I don’t value. I’m seen as being good at being on TV and advocating for different positions… but I don’t know if I value those things, certainly not as much as I value being able to live my life on my own terms.”