
Trump Needs ‘Clarence Darrow’: Geraldo Rivera Wants More From President’s Defense Team

REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Geraldo Rivera made it clear Wednesday that he wanted to see more from President Donald Trump’s legal defense team.

After one full day of opening statements from both the president’s attorneys and the House’s chosen impeachment managers, the Senate trial was officially in full swing. (RELATED: Geraldo Rivera Accuses Dan Bongino Of ‘Gutter Surfing’ In Testy Exchange Over Iran)

“Looking for more from impassioned indignation from counsel for @realDonaldTrump,” Rivera tweeted. “He is being screwed. He needs John Quincy Adams, Clarence Darrow, or William Jennings Bryan, or even Johnny Cochran.”

“Remember ‘If glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit?'” Rivera even proposed his own catchy slogan for the defense team to consider: “How about #NoCrimeNoConviction?”

Rivera followed with a second tweet, asking what he felt were the relevant questions. “Is what happened here Impeachable? #Ukraine got promised military aid in timely fashion. Yes it took some Democrat tree shaking, but so what? #HunterBiden did have a funky job thanks to daddy,” he tweeted.

“It wasn’t illegal for @realDonaldTrump to seek an investigation. #NoCrimeNoConviction,” Rivera concluded.