
24 Apr 2024

Limerick schools to meet in Charity Cup clash on Friday night

Limerick schools to meet in Charity Cup clash on Friday night

The annual Limerick charity cup match between Crescent College Comprehensive and St Munchin's takes place this Friday night, December 13,  KO in St Mary's RFC at 7pm.

Over the last 3 years a number of local charities have benefited from the funds raised on the night. This year St. Munchin's College have the honour of nominating a charity and in doing so have selected the "Children's Grief Project".

This organisation is truly inspirational and life changing and undertakes such great work to support school age children (primary and secondary) affected by loss through death, divorce or separation. ( .

Tickets will be available in the coming week through our own school and through Crescent Comp ((Student €4/€5 and Adult €9/€10). 

On the night the winning team will be presented with the "Herbert-Conneely" Cup. The cup was named after two great teachers and stalwarts in the field of school's rugby, Mr. Sean Conneely of St Munchins and Mr. Dudley Herbert from Crescent Comprehensive. 

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