
19 Apr 2024

New Limerick camogie management finalised with strong Tipperary presence

New Limerick camogie management finalised with strong Tipperary presence

New camogie manager Paul Sexton

NEW Limerick senior camogie manager Paul Sexton has confirmed his backroom team for 2020.

And, there is a large Tipperary influence.

Last week Bruree native Paul Sexton was confirmed as a the new manager - details here

Earlier this week Keith Hennessy was confirmed as Limerick camogie's new Head of Athletic Development - details here

Hennessy will be joined in the strength and conditioning set-up by John Blackwell, who was involved last year. Also involved in the S&C set-up will be Tipperary's James Maxwell, who will also be involved in his capacity as physio.

Laois native Paudie Malone (now Newport, Tipperary) is the new coach-selector.  (Laois and Newport).

Colin Cummins is the other coach-selector. Cummins and Sexton know eachother from Eire Og Annacarty, where Sexton was involved in recent years with their senior hurling team in the Tipperary SHC.

Liam Mulcahy continues as physical therapist.

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