
Rugerinyange corpse found buried in his compound in Kinanira IV

Jean Marie Vianney Rugerinyange, Senior official in the Ministry of Culture and Sports who went missing since September 30 has been found dead and buried in his compound located in Kinanira IV locality of Muha commune in Bujumbura city this October 4.

The corpse of Jean Marie Vianney Rugerinyange after being exhumed in his compound

Exhumation has started in the morning. However, the Spokesman for the Ministry of Security did not allow journalists to enter in the compound. Only journalists of the national radio and television have been allowed to enter. “I have invited only RTNB journalists,” he said. He, finally, invited other media to a press conference in the afternoon.

At 2:30 p.m. in the compound of the departed Jean Marie Vianney Rugerinyange, the police and Red Cross agents are finishing the activity of exhuming the corpse of the assassinated Rugerinyange. Some members of his family are also in the compound.

Pierre Nkurikiye, Spokesman for the Ministry of Security and Catastrophe Management says the family of Mr. Rugerinyange brought a complaint to the police on Tuesday this week that their person went missing. “Since then, the police have started conducting careful investigations to identify the place where the person was,” he also says.

“The police have arrested Emmanuel Kwizera, 29, from Bugendana commune of Gitega province who was a houseboy of the deceased,” he says, adding that the same houseboy was caught selling the telephones of Mr. Rugerinyange at Bujumbura City Market.

He says the corpse of Mr. Rugerinyange has been finally discovered buried in his compound. “It is apparent that he was killed by many people and the crime was well prepared,” he adds.

The Ministry of Security Spokesman says the police will keep carrying out investigations to identify all people who are responsible for the crime.

He adds that investigations will also provide the reasons why the person was killed.