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Newcomers are drawn to this state for its promise of a high quality of life – low crime rates, good schools, unrivaled outdoor recreation opportunities. But there’s a dark side to life under the Big Sky: Montana has the highest suicide rate in the nation. The state shares this distinction with other largely rural states like Alaska and New Mexico. And suicide rates are on the rise across the nation.

It’s not something we like to talk about, but many of our friends and neighbors could be in emotional crisis and teetering on the verge of taking their own lives. The good news is there’s a way to help.

The Bozeman Help Center, a nonprofit organization that advocates for children in abusive situation and victims of sexual assault and mental illness, operates a 24/7/365 crisis line for those contemplating taking their own lives or dealing with any kind of emotional difficulty. The number is (406) 586-3333 to talk with someone about the situation. The service is free and confidential.

This editorial solely represents the opinion of the Chronicle Editorial Board. The board consists of the managing editor, the publisher and several community members. The community members are non-journalists who provide input and help shape the board's opinions.

The board does not represent the views of the newsroom, and its opinions have no influence over the Chronicle's news coverage. To submit feedback on this editorial, email citydesk@dailychronicle.com.

Editorial Board

  • Mark Dobie, publisher
  • Jason Bacaj, managing editor
  • Richard Broome, community member
  • Renee Gavin, community member
  • Charles Rinker, community member
  • Will Swearingen, community member
  • Angie Wasia, community member

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