Font Police is patrolling the world for bad typography. We issue misdemeanours for spelling mistakes and lengthy sentences in our criticisms.

This is a light-hearted humour site, with no offence intended. Send ideas to fontpolice@ followed by (Please indicate if you would prefer to be anonymous.)
Can’t, or won’t? There’s an obvious appeal to doing it yourself and not hiring a professional for your signs, but in such cases, it would help to at least put each character (a) equal distances apart in a word; and (b) use a consistent baseline. It’s...

Can’t, or won’t? There’s an obvious appeal to doing it yourself and not hiring a professional for your signs, but in such cases, it would help to at least put each character (a) equal distances apart in a word; and (b) use a consistent baseline. It’s called Cantor’s, and the emphasis is on the first four letters. Marks also off for the inexplicable punctuation. Submitted by Andrew Diaczuk, photographed in South Manchester.


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