Pastor: When You See “Atheist Homos Waving Their Rainbow Flag,” Think of Hell July 20, 2018

Pastor: When You See “Atheist Homos Waving Their Rainbow Flag,” Think of Hell

The latest bit of hate speech from Brother Adam Fannin of Stedfast Jacksonville Church involves him reclaiming the rainbow.

As the biblical myth goes, God sent a rainbow to Noah after the Great Flood as a sign that he wouldn’t commit mass genocide ever again. Fannin says we should treat the rainbow as a reminder that sinners will go to Hell.

… So when you see all these atheist homos waving their rainbow flag, just think of fire. Right? Remember, “Hey, you’re not born that way. You will burn that way!”

Yes, God loves us. That’s why he wants to torture some people for eternity.

Leave it to fundamentalist Baptists to ruin the joy of seeing a rainbow.

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