I'm working on ionic2 project. I use ion-select element.

I search after a way to close the select-box programmatically on select any item (not wait the user to press OK).

  <ion-select id="select" #select>
      <ion-option (ionSelect)="closeAndSave()" *ngFor="let option of enumList" [value]="option">{{ option}}</ion-option>


class myClass{
    @viewChild('select') select:Select;
        /*it is come here on press any option. but how can I close here my select element? I tried: this.select.destroy()  - not do any thing. any solution?*/


  • please give solution , how you solved it Jun 22, 2017 at 7:05

4 Answers 4


this is what I did:

this.court = val;

put this inside your closeAndSave function.

Before that u need to pass some value from your closeAndSave function like:


then use this value there in you TS code:

import { Select } from 'ionic-angular';

class myClass{
    @ViewChild(select) select:Select;
    this.someVar = val;

try to test this tag:

you only need to add interface="action-sheet" in the ion-select element.

    <ion-select interface="action-sheet">
      <ion-option value="f" selected="true">Female</ion-option>
      <ion-option value="m">Male</ion-option>

I'm not sure if that's a valid option (in terms of UX) in your app.

source : https://stackoverflow.com/a/39015858/308578

  • 1
    By far the most accurate answer.
    – Vova
    Nov 15, 2019 at 11:01

I used this: (document.querySelector('ion-backdrop') as HTMLElement).click();


I'm not sure if this works, but it is shown as a popup and popups can be dismissed with the ionic ViewController.

You can use it like this:

import { ViewController } from 'ionic-angular'
export class YourComponent {
    constructor(private viewCtrl: ViewController){}
        //save things here 
  • 1
    Thank you but not work... it dismiss the last page that push to the stack. Dec 21, 2016 at 9:14

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