The New CMO Challenge: How to Respond to Consumer Expectations to Take a Stand

I’ll be moderating this session next week at Salesforce Connections in Chicago:

From the Salesforce blog:

At the core of any successful marketing strategy lies the consumer. And this modern consumer is a digitally savvy researcher, an empowered buyer, and a connected device user. They pay attention to how brands act, especially when it comes to social and political issues. More than that, they often buy from or abandon a brand based on its social stances and actions.

In our upcoming Connections session, “The New CMO Challenge: How to Respond to Consumer Expectations to Take a Stand,” we’ll talk to Carla Dunham, VP of Marketing at Equinox, and Harris Beber, CMO at Vimeo, about their insights on how to stand behind brand values and respond to rising consumer expectations.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn in this can’t-miss session facilitated by Forbes columnist, John Koetsier …

Join me!

(And, if you’re going to be there, ping me so we can meet up.)