The 6th Kupuna Power Day will be held at the State Capitol Thursday.

This year’s event is dedicated to the late Sen. Daniel Akaka who was a champion for kupuna care across Hawaii. 

there is an award named after the honorable senator…
tell us about this.  
     it’s the daniel kahikina akaka award for outstanding senior service.
     the award recognizes the efforts of those in our community who champion our seniors and provide them with the knowledge and support needed to allow them the highest quality of life during their “golden years.”  this honor also reflects upon those in organizations who are committed to ensuring our seniors continue to be regarded as treasures within our society.  

     the award is named after the retired u.s. senator who embodies the spirit of selfless service.   

     this year the honorees are john mcdermott, hawaii’s long-term care ombudsman and lanakila meals on wheels   

Kupuna power day is a day to empower seniors with education, entertainment and exercise.

More than 40 vendors are expected to attend to provide information and tips for caregivers and a number of fronts for those who have loved ones who are seniors.

The event will happen from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. outside the rotunda.

The event is also free and open to the public.