Captain Disillusion Explains an Invisibility Cloak Hoax (While Doing Imitations) March 17, 2018

Captain Disillusion Explains an Invisibility Cloak Hoax (While Doing Imitations)

Captain Disillusion, the finest bullshit detector on YouTube, took a viral video involving a Chinese invisibility cloak, debunked it rather quickly, and spent the rest of the time imitating other fantastic YouTubers under the guise of explaining green screens.

It is glorious to watch, especially if you’re familiar with the people he’s imitating.

There are so many inside jokes throughout this video…

I have no idea how he manages to keep one-upping himself like this, but we’re lucky to benefit from it. As usual, if you’re not supporting Captain Disillusion’s work, you should. He’s one of the best.

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