What Is Attracting Cockroaches to My Home?

Realizing you have a cockroach infestation in Dublin is uncomfortable, so you and your pest control team should work on a solution quickly. Then you can get back to being comfortable in your home, knowing that it’s safe and free of pests. If you want to make sure the cockroach infestation doesn’t come back, you should know what draws the roaches to your living space. Continue reading to learn exactly what is attracting cockroaches to your home.


If you rarely clean your kitchen, you shouldn’t be surprised when you find yourself with a pest control emergency on your hands. Every living being needs some kind of sustenance in order to survive, and cockroaches are happy to feast on the crumbs and scraps that they find in your house. That’s why it’s so crucial that you clean up food and drink spills in your kitchen—and anywhere else in your house—and make sure you store your food properly. Put your leftovers in airtight containers before you put them in the fridge, and don’t leave trash bags with food scraps sitting around.


In addition to food, cockroaches need a source of moisture to stay alive and create an infestation. Homeowners also need moisture to do the dishes and wash the floors. When you’re finished with your chores in the kitchen, make sure you do a good job of drying up all the excess moisture. You also need to be concerned with your plumbing appliances. All it takes is a small puncture in one of your pipes to create a leak that causes mold growth and invites cockroaches and other pests.


When there are a lot of places for bugs to hide, it’s harder to notice that there’s an infestation. Cockroaches know this and take full advantage of it. Clean your living space regularly so you will notice the presence of an infestation immediately.