Tips for Keeping Your Trees Disease-Free

Tree diseases can be tricky to spot and difficult to eradicate. Prevention is preferable, but you should also know how to spot the warning signs of common infections. If you do notice anything, you can help save the tree or prevent the disease from spreading by promptly calling in a pest control expert for professional tree disease treatment in Dublin, CA.

Know how to identify common tree diseases.

You’ll likely need the help of a professional for a proper tree disease diagnosis. However, you should know the basic red flags that indicate it’s time to call for pest control.

  • Photinia leaf spot: Indicated by small, circular dark spots on leaves, stems, and fruits.
  • Foamy bark canker disease: Affects California’s live oaks. It’s indicated by foamy liquid and reddish sap protruding through beetle holes in the bark.
  • Asian citrus psyllid: Indicated by yellow mottling and green patches on leaves.

Maintain ideal growing conditions.

Perhaps the best defense against these common tree diseases is a holistic one. Give your trees the right growing conditions to keep them healthy and vigorous, and they will be much more likely to effectively resist pests and diseases. Since different species require different growing conditions, defer to the tree’s specific needs regarding soil type and quality, drainage, irrigation, fertilization, and rootstock selection. In general, fruit trees do best in fertile soil with good drainage. Over-fertilizing isn’t recommended, as too much nitrogen can leave the trees more susceptible to diseases. A soil analysis is a good investment for orchard owners.

Follow good pruning practices.

Regular pruning is essential for encouraging air circulation. After the rain, or even the morning dew, the increased air circulation in the tree’s canopy allows it to dry more quickly. The faster the tree dries, the less of a chance a fungal infection will affect it. If you lack experience with pruning, consider calling in a professional, since making mistakes with this task can actually make your trees even more susceptible to diseases. One of the most common mistakes is making a cut flush against the trunk. This eliminates the branch collar, which is a small bump of matter that contains specialized cells, which enable the tree to heal better from the cut. If you slice off the branch right next to the trunk, the gash in the trunk will allow diseases and pests to attack the tree.