What type of sedation and anesthesia are used for oral surgery?

What type of sedation and anesthesia are used for oral surgery?

oral surgery North OklahomaPatients who will be undergoing some form of oral surgery will usually choose anesthesia or sedation in addition to a local anesthetic for the most comfortable experience possible. If you will be receiving general anesthesia, it’s important to know the facts about this option so that you are fully prepared for your procedure.

General anesthesia renders the patient unconscious during the entire oral surgery procedure. This allows the oral surgeon to perform the procedure in a stable, steady field with no movement from the patient. Additionally, general anesthesia leaves the patient with no recollection of the procedure, which is another benefit for patients.

The general anesthesia drugs are delivered intravenously to the patient, who is monitored throughout the procedure for signs of distress. Anesthesia is associated with certain risks, but we will do everything possible to minimize these risks and keep you safe. We will act promptly should any of your vital signs suggest a concerning change.

After the appointment, the anesthesia will slowly wear off. You will be transferred to our recovery room, where you will remain until you are cleared to return home accompanied by a responsible adult. The effects of the anesthesia will not be completely reversed by the time you leave our office, so you will not be able to drive. You should also ask your escort to plan to remain with you for a period of time after you return home until the anesthesia has worn off completely.

At your consultation prior to your surgery appointment, your oral surgeon will educate you on the process involved with general anesthesia, including how to prepare for the anesthesia. You will need to fast after midnight prior to the procedure, including no beverages. This is necessary because undigested food in the stomach presents an aspiration risk while under general anesthesia.

If you have additional questions about the types of sedation and anesthesia that are options for you, call our office and speak to a knowledgeable member of our team.