At What Age Should My Child Have an Orthodontic Evaluation?

young girl pointing at braces after orthodontic consultation

It’s not uncommon for tweens and teens to need braces. And since the headgear of the past is long gone, they’re usually less averse to the idea of orthodontia. But when should your child have an orthodontic evaluation? We recommend bringing your child in once their permanent teeth start erupting. That doesn’t necessarily mean your child will leave with a shiny set of braces, but it does allow us to start keeping an eye out for potential problems.

Benefits of Early Teeth Straightening

The most ideal time for children to get braces is between the ages of 10 and 14. At this point, their head and mouths are still growing and developing. Teeth are more likely to take to the straightening process during this time. Of course, people can get braces at any age, but there are benefits to straightening teeth earlier rather than later.

  • Influence jaw growth and bite
  • Lower trauma risk if front teeth are protruding
  • Correct harmful habits (thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, etc.)
  • Improve aesthetics of face and teeth
  • Help permanent teeth move into better positions

Orthodontic Evaluations for Kids

If you notice any of the following in your child, it may be time for an orthodontic evaluation:

  • Difficulty chewing
  • Breathing through mouth
  • Crowded or misplaced teeth
  • Jaw position that is too far back or forward
  • Front teeth not meeting, or meeting abnormally
  • Teeth grinding or jaw clenching
  • Facial appearance that seems unbalanced

When your child comes in for an orthodontic evaluation, we take X-rays and go over any potential problems we see with their tooth eruption and mouth development. We discuss our suggested treatment plan with you so you can talk it over with your child. It’s important to go over the idea of braces with your child since they will be the one wearing the braces for years.

Braces aren’t nearly as big a deal as they used to be, but it can still be hard to decide if the time is right for your child to have an orthodontic evaluation. If you’re unsure, give Paris Mountain Dental a call. One of our team members will gladly discuss your concerns, answer any questions you have, and help you schedule a convenient consultation appointment.

It’s time to help your child get a healthy smile!

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