8 Ways to Prevent the ‘Summer Slide’

During summer break many kids do not use much of their brain power that they would while in school, so here are some fun ways to keep them mentally active. Add math into the game of baseball or even take on a project with a lot of measuring required. Another fun way to learn is to create a terrarium and record the living things you find for it. Spend the night star gazing and learning about the patterns. You could also explore local history or have them talk with a family member that can offer some knowledge. You could also create a small book group with some kids or have them draw their favorite lines from a poetry book with chalk.

Key Takeaways:

  • Summer slide refers to kids mental decline if they don’t read during the 3 months that they have off of school.
  • You can form a book swap to keep kids interested in reading throughout the summer.
  • You can choose some books and then use sidewalk chalk to create a gallery of them.

“The phrase “summer slide” might make you think of a water park or playground, but it actually refers to the mental atrophy that many kids — especially those who don’t read — may experience during the three-month break between school terms.”

Read more: http://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/1134513/educational-activities-for-kids

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