When is the Right Time to Begin Teaching Your Child Gun Safety?


Gun safety can be a difficult topic to broach but it’s a necessary topic to discuss, especially with children and teens. All children are different; therefore, factors, in addition to age, have to be considered before discussing complex topics like gun safety. While many have success in teaching children about guns at a young age, many wait until the child has shown that they have the maturity to understand the danger and impact that a gun can make.

Some maturity indications that you can look for to see if your child is ready for a talk about gun safety include: your child understands that death is permanent, guns are not something to play with, your child shows a calm demeanor consisting of sharing and compassion towards others, he or she follows directions, understands that there are clear lines between fiction and real life.

When you think your child is ready to understand the depth of what handling a gun truly means, here are 10 rules to teach your children first.

1.All guns you find are always loaded.
2.Treat every gun with the respect.
3.Carry only empty guns, taken down or with the action open, into your car, camp, and home.
4.Always be sure that the barrel and action are clear of obstructions.
5.Always carry your gun so that you can control the direction of the muzzle.
6.Be sure of your target before you pull the trigger.
7.Never point a gun at anything you do not want to shoot.
8.Never leave your gun unattended and unsecured.
9.Never climb a tree or a fence with a loaded gun.
10.Never shoot at the ground, air, or water.

This article is brought to you by Nashville Armory, which features climate controlled pistol and rifle rated bays and a training center offering a wide variety of classes for any skill level lead by certified instructors. Visit nashvillearmory.com for more.