TOPEKA, Kan. (KSNT)- A Topeka woman is making a plea with the public for something near and dear to be returned to her.
Ginger Rodriguez was in a hurry to head out to work last Friday afternoon and forgot to lock the door. When she returned home later than night, she discovered the urn carrying her mother’s ashes was stolen.
Now, all she wants is that piece of her mother back.
“It’s important for me to have her here. That’s a part of my mom. I don’t care about the rest the stuff, it’s material things you know. I can replace those. But I can’t replace my mother’s ashes.”
Rodriguez’s mother was “Red,” who was known to many in the community as the original owner of the Topeka Steakhouse.
Rodriguez told says she didn’t make a police report because she felt guilty that she allowed this to happen. However does plan to so the urn can be returned.
She is asking for it to be dropped off at the police department or at a church.