
C. Jackson Grayson, Houstonian Founder, Dies At 93

Over the course of a long career, he was a reporter, served U.S. presidents, and taught at Harvard, Stanford, and Tulane.

He was the co-founder of one of Houston's premier hotels and spas, he served under Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, and was the mastermind of the American Productivity & Quality Control Center. A full and varied life lived well.

C. Jackson "Jack" Grayson died on Thursday at age 93. He "spent his entire professional career applying quality think and methods to help improve organizations and society," a release from the center stated.

Grayson, along with Tom Fatjo, founded the Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa in an effort to "create a physical venue to connect the mind, body and spirit," the release added, as reported by the Houston Business Journal.

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Grayson earned a bachelor's from Tulane, his MBA from Wharton, and a doctorate from the Harvard Business School. He was a Navy veteran — he served in World War II — and worked for a newspaper in New Orleans as a reporter. He was also an FBI special agent, and was appointed to commissions and committees by President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan.

A celebration of life service will take place on Friday, May 12, beginning at 11 a.m. at Chapelwood United Methodist Church in Houston.

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Read the full obituary in the Houston Business Journal here.

— Image: Wikimedia Commons

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