Новости интерактивной литературы за неделю - 21 апреля 2017

Платформы и инструменты

  • Александр «ASBer» Боричевский выпустил ТОМ 2.a.4.21 альфа. По словам автора, особых изменений в релизе нет, но модернизирована вёрстка страниц.
  • Фонд IFTF ищет волонтёров, которые смогут протестировать платформы IF (прежде всего, Twine) на доступность людям с инвалидностью.

Новые игры

  • Продолжается фестиваль «Паровозик 3». На прошлой неделе вышла игра Антона Жучкова (Fireton) под названием «Подземелье сокровищ». На этой неделе мы ждём игру от Евгения Туголукова (Korwin)
  • UPD: ещё одна игра от Fireton'а «Зимнее Приключение 2.0» — римейк его первой игры 2007 года на FireURQ
  • ДЕМО Endless Love — SneakBug8
  • Ochlo is a Twitch-driven multiplayer collaborative CYOA game streaming platform from Ken Murdock. Currently there's only one game available — «Autumnal».
  • DEMO MMM: Murder Most Misfortunate is a short visual novel about an Agatha Christie-esque murder mystery.
  • In the Trees by Caspian Depression Games
    a speculative horror text adventure
  • Alcyone: The Last City (Kickstarter)
    a sci-fi interactive fiction game inspired by Fallen London and set in the last City in the universe
  • The Reign of an Early Fairy Sovereign by Ibispi
    You were lucky enough to be born a ruler of a fairy empire. Unlimited luxury. Unlimited amount of coins. And unlimited power. However, things aren't as easy as they may seem at the first glance. Power attracts more power and empires attract other emperors. You are not as powerful as you think… What will you do, with the little power you have? How will you influence the future of your empire? Do you have what it takes to be the best emperor?
  • DEMO Inpatient: A Psychiatric Story by Alana Zablocki
    Inpatient is a simulation of a mental health crisis and the patient experience of psychiatric hospitalization. It is an interactive novel of over 140,000 words that takes you through a 72 hour hospital stay. The characters in this game are fictional, but the events within are inspired by real-life experiences.
  • A new Hosted game on Choice of Games: The Daily Blackmail by Mary Duffy
    Something is rotten in City Hall—can you uncover it and…win a Pulitzer? When the mayor unexpectedly resigns, it’s up to you, the rookie reporter on the City Desk to find out the real story and get it into print. Right away you smell a rat. As you track down sources and information, your reporter’s instincts, brains, heart, or impeccable writing will lead you to the truth.
  • A new Hosted game on Choice of Games: Paradigm City by James Rhoden
    The Golden Age of heroes is over, but you’re just beginning. Will you use your powers to help the world or help yourself? Set on a near-future Earth that has been irrevocably altered by the arrival of superhumans, the world has been dealing with a radical shift in the nature of humanity. For thirty years, those with world-altering powers – referred to as capes – have been at the forefront of the world’s media. There has been heroes, there has been villains, and there has been world-shattering confrontations when those two groups came into contact. For a time, those individuals walked the world like modern deities. For a time, it was good.
  • Foggy Road by Blue Glasses Publishing and Lucky 3 Studios
    Decide what you want. Choose your weapon. And take heed, as you enter the service of a cutthroat assassin known only as "the Fog."
    Will you successfully rise through the ranks of the network and meet the Fog himself? Will you earn his respect? His ire?
    Or, will you manage to get what you want without attracting his sometimes lethal attention?
    Choose your path wisely.
  • Библиотека QSP
    Библиотека QSP
    • «Чертенок Васька и сбежавшие души»Larson
      В этой игре вы будете играть за чертенка Ваську, по вине которого из ада сбежало шесть душ! Князь Тьмы и ада посылает вас на поверхность найти и вернуть в ад души, пока они не слишком далеко ушли.
    • «Вокруг»HannibalBarca
      Они требуют себе жизни, для которой не хотят трудиться
    • «Рука Бога: Образец.»tahikardiya
      2157 год. Существование сгустка нематериальной энергии — души, подтверждено научной коалицией. Человечество узнало самую сокровенную тайну, волнующую её на протяжении всего существования. Смерть — не конец пути, а начало новой жизни, более ужасающей и трепетной, чем можно было себе представить…
    • «В магаз за хлебом»TheProma
      Батя послал вас в магаз за хлебом…
    • «Улыбка Джокера»AstenKollin
      Ночью вы были на вечеринке в стиле "Киберпанк", а сегодня вновь наступают серые будни. Однако отголоски вечера гулким скрежетом доносятся из памяти… или эти странности происходят наяву. Вам предстоит разобраться во всем… и не сойти с ума…
    • «Дурная репутация: Начало»JackDan
      Проводники — самые опасные для общества люди. Их называют биотеррористами. Cозданный для сдерживания проводников Департамент Единой Защиты уже несколько лет жестко контролирует всю деятельность граждан во многих странах. В один прекрасный день Стивен Цандер обнаруживает в себе одну странную особенность…
    • «Мороженко»ystrechko
      Студент купил мороженку. Но если бы все было так просто, сторимейза бы не было, не так ли?
    • «Гуси-лебеди»Hollyberries
      Вы — взрослая, самостоятельная семилетняя девочка Маша. Ваши родители уехали на ярмарку, оставив вас нянькой для вашего четырехлетнего брата Иванушки. И лишь от вас зависит, как вы будете развлекаться, пока родители в отъезде.
    • «Апнуть Глобала(CS:GO)»TheProma
      Коротенькая история для игроков в CS:GO.
    • «Запретная любовь: Знакомство»BattyRaf
      Как бы Вы поступили, узнав, что ваш сводный брат к вам неравнодушен? Многие скажут: "Это неправильно!", и я соглашусь с ними. Но как же быть, если чувства взаимны, а он постоянно напоминает о себе и своей любви, заставляя сердце так бешено биться?
    • «Игра в Побег»akakiy
      Продолжение истории об ограблении, обмане и обмене ролями.
      В беседке раздался звон.Элинор медленно подошла к телефону. Ноги еще не привыкли к такой нагрузке, и женщина держалась за спинку скамьи.- Я надеюсь, это все твои выходки, что сейчас на первой строке в новостях, юная леди? — руки Элинор дрожали. Она не могла говорить в голос, но и шепот передавал весь гнев. — Или ещё что-то есть?.. В трубку молчали.Подул прохладный ветер. Зашелестели тополя. Мелкая рябь прошлась по пруду. Холодновато стоять в одной ночной рубашке.- Тогда я позвоню позже, — пролепетала Элвеа на другом конце связи.- Что бы это ни было, у тебя есть план?- Даже лучше… Связь оборвалась. Элинор вздохнула, затем медленно пошла в палату...
    • “Choose Your Own Hypoglycemia Adventure: Behavioral Health Patient” by bonniejhill
      An interactive case scenario on hypoglycemia featuring a patient in Behavioral Health
    • “Some Kind of Party” by Place Holder
    • “Spaceship Exploding” by Cameron Workman
      You find yourself on a spaceship exploding! What will you do? How will you survive? In space, everyone is screaming.
    • “A Not-So-Serious of Unfortunate Events (BETA)” by Mega_Mewthree
      From the maker of Noob Story, a game which nobody even heard of, comes A Not-So-Serious of Unfortunate Events! A comedic story game, talking about an idiot named Dent, who starts on a series of funny events, from having a boring day to becoming the president of North Korea! Play the game and give a good rating!
    • “The Freelancer's Survival Guide” by weslocher
      Written by a full-time freelance writer, "The Freelancer's Survival Guide" is a ridiculous and humorous look at the day-to-day choices one must make after quitting a secure day job to make the long journey toward independent success. Enjoy life's crazy obstacles as you ponder the many choices a freelance life offers: Do they miss you at your old job? Will you shower today? Hey, Wait...don't forget to feed the cat! Play online
    • “The Infected” by Stevenhowell13
    • “Choose Your Own Hypoglycemia Adventure: Pediatric Patient” by bonniejhill
      A simulation exercise on recognizing, treating, and preventing hypoglycemia in the pediatric patient population Play online
    • “Choose Your Own Hypoglycemia Adventure: Medical Patient” by bonniejhill
      A simulation exercise on recognizing, treating, and preventing hypoglycemia using a scenario with a patient on a medical unit Play online
    • “Choose Your Own Hypoglycemia Adventure: Pregnant Patient” by bonniejhill
      A simulation exercise on recognizing, treating, and preventing hypoglycemia in the pregnant patient population Play online
    • “Choose Your Own Hypoglycemia Adventure: Postpartum Patient” by bonniejhill
      A simulation exercise on recognizing, treating, and preventing hypoglycemia in the postpartum patient population Play online
    • “Choose Your Own Hypoglycemia Adventure: Post-op Patient” by bonniejhill
      A simulation exercise on recognizing, treating, and preventing hypoglycemia using the example of a post-op patient Play online
    • “Picture Perfect?” by thetruespin
      This interactive story has been designed to explore the risks and responsibilities of carrying out romantic relationships in the digital world, and how young people can keep themselves safe. It explores concepts such as revenge porn, trust, peer pressure and grooming, whilst providing students with a greater understanding of the law surrounding sexting and what they can do to protect themselves. Play online
    • “I.T. Man: a Story of Love, Joy, and Tears” by Quample, Defender among the Cosmos
      You've been deprived of your research, and there's only one man who knows how to save you. It's said that masters of connection live in a far away land. You must find one of these scholars and escort him to your study. If not for you, do it for me, because I'm a narcissist and I want compliments about my writing. Play online
    • “minor fall MAJOR LIFT” by grrozny
    • “A Fly On The Wall” by Peregrine Wade
      Across the city, strange events are taking place. But you are nothing more than a fly on the wall… or are you? Note: This game is an entry at The 2017 Spring Thing Festival of Interactive Fiction (springthing.net) Play online
    • “The Hobbit: The True Story, redux, Director's Cut (2017 port)” by Fredrik Ramsberg and Johan Berntsson
      # The Hobbit: The True Story # redux, Director's Cut # — Inform 7 port of old MS-DOS adventure # Copyright 1993, 2001 Fredrik Ramsberg, Johan Berntsson NOTE: I ported this game because I couldn't get the…
    • “Clockwork Heart” by Alex C. Hughes (www.ahugheswriter.com)
      A boy shows up on your door saying that you must steal something for the Vampire King or he'll kill your brother. Clockwork Heart is a steampunk adventure in the style of the old Choose Your Own Adventure…
    • “Miki's Futa Adventure” by Dee Wodecock
      Over indulgence in a magic love potion has given Japanese foreign exchange student Miki a big problem to deal with. But what is she to do? Does she take it in hand? Does she try to ignore it? Does she take a…
    • “The Last Fare” by H.W. Williams
      A murdered Cabby, a small group of suspects, and you just had your coffee. Can you solve the mystery of the dead Cabby? Was it out of revenge? Was it over stolen money? Or perhaps a love triangle? Only one…
    • “Re-Entry” by Mary Goodden
      Since you left your small hometown to move to London, nothing's gone to plan. Your girlfriend moved out, your video game career hasn't materialised, and the things you thought you'd left behind keep coming…
    • “The Golden Son” by H.W. Williams
      A case of a missing fortune...a family gripped in fear...a family past hidden in darkness. Do you have what it takes to solve the mystery of the stolen fortune? Was it the son Sean, hoping to make a get away…
    • “The Integration Game” by Gregory Pellechi
      Experience the first interactions any immigrant goes through with the Finnish government. Find out if you qualify for integration courses! Or maybe you're already integrated! Just don't piss off the…
    • “The Devil in the Details” by Jerry Ford
      You have just arrived in San Francisco, no job, no family, no friends, just a letter of introduction addressed to Lucy, who offers you a lifetime of everlasting fame, fortune, happiness, or power, if you…
    • “REOR'S BUSH-CAVE EXPLICIT (for online play on mobile devices)” by Richard Headkid
      REOR'S BUSH-CAVE (Mobile) by Richard Headkid (This is the older version of the game, without the fancy, in-game hint system. This version is the best way to go for online play in a mobile browser. The…
    • “Now Boarding For Murder” by H.W. Williams
      You are on a cross country flight to attend a conference on how to speak with suspects. You've put it off for quite sometime now and you decide what's the worst that'll happen? But unfortunately something…
    • “Dead Men Tell No Tales” by H.W. Williams
      It's a dark night on a pier in the end of town. An eerie fog has rolled in and with it, the death of a recently Sailor on shore leave. But how did he die and why? It's your job to find out. Was it the…
    • “Foggy Road” by Blue Glasses Publishing
      Decide what you want. Choose your weapon. And take heed, as you enter the service of a cutthroat assassin known only as "the Fog." Will you successfully rise through the ranks of the network and meet the Fog…
    • “How the West Was Lost” by H.W. Williams
      Finally a day off, a day of rest from the dark murderous streets that plague the cities around the world. Today, you are trying to take in the sights and sounds of a historical western tourist town. You and…

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