Multiplex - a comic strip about life at the movies

Multiplex: The Revenge final cover

(Unless I change something at the last minute.) If you see a typo, let me know. :)

Anyway, Book Three is on track to go to the printer TODAY. The next step is proofreading the electronic proof, and then the next step after that is proofreading the physical proof (in a few weeks). So, you know, don’t hold your breath yet. It’s a process.

Also! In case you missed the very quiet announcement, I’ll repeat it here: since Multiplex is ending in the next couple of months, I have started a tinyletter so you people can stalk me more easily. I’ll use it to send uh tinyletters about my upcoming (Multiplex and non-Multiplex) projects and junk like that. It’s basically a very simple e-mail newsletter. I won’t use it often; just to give you the heads up on Kickstarter projects launching and whatnot, since not everyone can afford to support my creative endeavours via Patreon.

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