Interview With 22-Year-Old Artist Samera Paz

She makes art like you've never seen before.
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While we're still not fully there in terms of erasing the stigma surrounding menstruation, representation has come a very long way in the last few decades. Even tampon and pad commercials, which for years relied on an elusive blue liquid, have seen a rise in accepting that their raison d'être has always been, in fact, blood.

Naturally, young women are leading the way when it comes to erasing period shame. Samera Paz, a 22-year-old photography student at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, has been experimenting with making art out of her own menstrual blood since she was 16, and the results are stunning. While many might expect something already profound in nature to rely on its medium alone for value, Samera's work stands out on its own even before you learn what the substance behind its substance is.

Originally from Washington DC, Samera also founded Girl Power Meetups, a DC-movement based in Washington D.C. ran by women of color that aims to bring young women together to support, educate, connect and collaborate creatively. She recently spoke to Teen Vogue about blood, art, and why she doesn't tell anyone about the process behind her work.

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Teen Vogue: What inspired you to make art out of your menstrual blood?

Samera Paz: I was 16 years old I experimented with using menstrual blood as an art medium for the first time. If anyone knew what I had done they would of thought I was crazy so I kept the concept to myself for many years. Two years ago I decided to work with my period blood again. It was late and when I finally got it I was full of relief and that was enough motivation for me to turn it into art.

TV: What is the process like to make this art?

__SP: __I’ve never shared my exact process on how I create these art pieces. People ask all the time but I let them wonder. It’s a very experimental process and each piece is different from the next. Some are abstract and others have a focus on lines and pattern. I’m constantly trying out new materials, methods and the type of canvas I use changes each time. It’s not so easy to work with a material like blood. There’s a lot of thought that goes into it and teaching yourself to be limitless is a challenge but it’s something every artist should learn how to tap into.

TV: Can you describe how the idea resurfaced in a statement you "fully understood?" What was that statement?

SP: My art and career revolve around the perspectives and experiences of what it’s like to be a girl in today’s world. Whether it’s through my photography, activism or my organization Girl Power Meetups, the need to empower women and shed light on the many challenges we face is something I’m passionate about. My period art is no different. With my artwork I was doing something that would consider me a “nasty woman”. I was speaking about an issue that isn’t sexy but something we all experience. Women have the right to say and do what we want even if it makes others feel uncomfortable. That’s what I was doing with my artwork and I wasn’t going to back down or apologize. I believe that women should do what they want and fight for what they believe in no matter.

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TV: How did the backlash you received change the tone of the art?

SP: Before the internet backlash I didn’t think my period art was a big deal. From everything I’ve learned about art in history is that this is something that no limits. When I posted the pieces to social media I received hate from hundreds of people who were disgusted and angry with me for weeks. The tone of the pieces completely changed from just being period art to a full blown bold feminist statement. I would of never guessed that my period blood could create conversations about really important issues that women face. This was more than blood. This was uncovering some harsh truths on how society views women.

TV: Were there any surprising reactions, good or bad, that you didn't expect at all?

SP: The reactions I received were completely shocking. The negative comments were a range of awful and humorous. I was shocked that race was being brought into my period art. What does me being black have to do with my menstrual blood? Why are girls telling me that I’m a disgusting person who deserves to die? I could not believe the things I was reading because they just didn’t make sense. The hate was so out there to see but the support and positivity was there the whole time. I was supported by friends, strangers, family and publications. At times it felt like a war but I kept my peace and my beliefs high and I definitely came out on top.

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TV: Why is it important to erase the stigma surrounding our periods?

SP: Periods begin at a very young age for girls and if we’re shaming their bodies especially on something so natural, imagine the impact and mindset they’re developing while they’re still learning about themselves and their bodies? We must be open and erase the judgment when it comes to something so uncontrollable. When I was younger I didn’t know how periods worked until the day I got mine. Schools, health courses and sometimes families keep this part of life for girls so hidden and for what reason? This silent shaming even occurs in the media.

Why is it that pad commercials use blue liquid to show that their pads are suitable for our blood? Would it be that awful to use red liquid? Why did I grow up to a commercial of girls secretly passing each other tampons in class? Why was the media teaching me to be silent about needing something for my body? This stigma surrounding periods needs to be erased because this is a new world. We are no longer going to be silent on our rights and who we are. Society loves women but they love certain parts of us. They love our breasts, our flat stomachs, our hairless bodies but they don’t like what makes us women. They don’t like our anatomy or health. No one should be shamed for having their period. A woman should not be shamed for accepting themselves as they are. And as long as I continue to make art I will speak on it.