Languages and religions in Switzerland.

Languages and religions in Switzerland.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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Switzerland has 4 official languages; French, German, Italian, and Romansch, the dominant one being German. Many Swiss-German dialects are spoken across Switzerland, while the original Arpitan dialects of French have...Geographical distribution of the languages of Switzerland.Estimated Ottoman population in 1750: Languages and Religions.
Total population 20 million.Languages of Switzerland.Geographical distribution of the languages of Switzerland.Languages of Switzerlanduseless-switzerlandfacts:
“ If you ignore the national languages of Switzerland (including standard German) here is what the majority of people would speak
”“Switzerland” in various European languages.
More word maps >>Geographical distribution of languages in Grisons canton, Switzerland, 2000.Map of E-ZPass member states where it is accepted as of 2024
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