by surfitch » Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:11 pm
oh man i love airs. i know mine are sketchy as hell but i love watching them and i love attempting them. a lot of people will tell you speed, speed, speed, and while important, i find i can still do them going relatively slow. more important is wave/section selection and timing. i guess the way i learned them was i just started doing chop hops. you'll look like a kook doing this so best to do it alone at a beachbreak. you'll get a feel of your fins and rail releasing and maybe even learn how to whip your tail around. you'll probably also break a couple of boards (i went through like 4 before i started claiming), so use used boards or borrow your friend's lol. the most important thing you'll learn is when and how to hit a section and how different sections affect your height and distance you'll travel.