Details of the funeral of Jill Saward have been announced.
The tireless campaigner on behalf of the victims of sexual assault died last week. She suffered a rare kind of stroke at the age of just 51. The outpouring of grief has been matched by a wave of tributes outlining how her bravery and persistence have improved the legal system for rape victims.
Her family says, "All those who knew and loved Jill are invited to pay their last respects."
The service will take place at Lichfield Cathedral. The invitation given by the family statement said: "If you are mourning and grieving, and want to wear black or dark clothes; do so. If you want to celebrate her life and all that she was, and want to wear bright clothes; do so. If you want to make a statement against sexual violence, and want to wear purple; do so. If you want to celebrate the life everlasting with God through Christ that Jill is now experiencing, and want to wear white; do so."
A collection will be taken at the service with proceeds going to the Merseyside Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, Ehlers-Danlos Support UK, and the Cambrian Coast Evangelical Trust.
The service will be held at midday on Tuesday 17 January. More details are available here.