Update: January 16, 2017. Contest Winner Chosen.
My daughter did the random stuff and pulled the name out of the hat (actually it was a plastic bag)
The lucky winner was: Carole Steers
Congratulations, Carole
If you don’t have your pass already to RootsTech, Feb 8-11, 2017 in Salt Lake City, then why don’t you?
Here is maybe your last chance to get a RootsTech/Innovator Showdown 4-day pass for free, a $299 USD value.
Personally, I’m really looking forward to RootsTech. I was there twice before, in 2012 and 2014 and it was fantastic each year. This year, I was one one of the 40 entrants in the Innovator Showdown. I entered my program Double Match Triangulator (DMT), a Windows program for autosomal DNA analysis. My program was selected as one of the 10 semi-finalists in the contest and I’ll be pitching it live at RootsTech, in a Shark-Tank-like format, on Wednesday February 8, the Innovator Summit day of RootsTech.
Each of the RootsTech Ambassadors were given a free pass to give away. I’m not an Ambassador, but I was given an extra pass that I am allowed to give to someone.
To enter my giveaway, send me an email* at: lkessler@lkessler.com and to qualify, include a weblink that will take you directly to my Double Match Triangulator page on this (my beholdgenealogy.com) website. It shouldn’t be too hard to find.
*Your email address will be kept private and you won’t be added to any lists.
The winner will be chosen randomly from the entrants with a correct weblink.
Good luck. This Giveaway closes one week from today, on Monday January 16, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. CST.
RootsTech pass give away from Louis Kessler. ... Let's wish Louis the best of luck with his entry in the Innovator Summit. He's up against some stiff competition