
Affinity Photo image editing app is now out for Windows

The indie Photoshop alternative has also released a huge upgrade for Mac.

If you're looking for a much affordable alternative to Photoshop for Windows, you may want to check out this indie-made image editor. Affinity Photo, the same program that won Mac App of the Year in 2015, is now officially available for Microsoft's OS. Its developers released a beta version for the platform in November, but the full version (with all the features Mac users enjoy) is now available for $40 until December 22nd -- $50 after that. The app's developers have also released a huge update for Mac with a bunch of new features that will also come with the newer Windows app, including the ability to edit 360-degree images.

In addition to "an all-new way to edit 360-degree images," Affinity Photo version 1.5 offers all these:

  • Macros to record and replay a set of commands

  • Advanced HDR merge producing deep unbounded 32-bit images

  • A full tone mapping workspace for both HDR and LDR images

  • Focus stacking to achieve large depth of field from multiple images

  • Full batch processing to process large folders of images in one go

  • Direct PSD write-back

  • 32-bit editing including OpenEXR import & export

  • Automatic lens corrections based on profiles of thousands of lens & body combinations

The free update also adds support for the Touch Bar, the secondary OLED screen that takes the function keys' place on the latest MacBook Pro. To read more about version 1.5 and to buy the app for either or both platforms, make sure to head over to the app's website.