Could Botox Treat Your TMJ Nightmare?

Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) is one of the more common oral afflictions that we see here at Middletown Commons Family Dental. It’s a jaw condition that can be caused by a variety of things, from bruxism (the grinding of teeth) to arthritis. We see it in many of our patients with symptoms including, but not limited to: jaw popping or clicking, difficulty chewing, jaw pain, headaches, and earaches. Traditional treatment options for TMJ range from oral massage to bite guards to corrective surgery, but now a new cutting-edge alternative is proving to be incredibly effective at easing the painful effects of TMJ. This treatment? Botox.  

Botox & TMJ Treatment

Yes, the same Botox that, for years, has been used for cosmetic procedures is now being used by certified dentists, such as our own Dr. Ward, to treat this dreaded condition. Dr. Ward is certified for both cosmetic and therapeutic Botox by the American Academy of Facial Esthetics so you can trust her expertise in administering injections for TMJ relief. This relatively new practice has been proven to relieve pain, reduce bruxism, and even prevent the tension headaches associated with TMJ. The possibilities for pain relief are immense, and also less expensive than trying to fix the problem through dental work or surgery.  

How Does it Work?

But how does a Botox injection help relieve TMJ pain? You see, TMJ stems from a disorder in the jaw muscles when the connection between the temporomandibular joint and the mandible is damaged or injured. If your TMJ is muscular in nature Botox’s muscle-paralyzing properties can be used to relieve clenching and tension to provide you with sweet relief.

This treatment is quick, safe, non-invasive, and, above all, effective. Our patients generally feel a difference within a week of treatment. If you’re ready to take a new approach to managing your TMJ pain, consider making an appointment with us. We have extended hours so you can be certain of a convenient appointment regardless of work schedule. We look forward to helping you live pain-free!