The definite endings of most nouns in different Norwegian dialects.
[[MORE]]by jkvatterholm
“What is this map about?
This map shows how to mark nouns as definite in Norwegian dialects. Basically what is “the” in English. This varies a lot, and has...

The definite endings of most nouns in different Norwegian dialects.

by jkvatterholm

What is this map about?

This map shows how to mark nouns as definite in Norwegian dialects. Basically what is “the” in English. This varies a lot, and has always done since the system evolved in old Norse.

Why are they so different?

The system started by adding the article “hinn” to nouns. It also had a feminine (hin) and neuter (hitt) form. the H fell away, and the end merged with the word. In weak feminines the -a ending merged with the i in “hin”.

. Masc. Stong F. Weak F Neuter Origin: hestr + hinn grein + hin kirkja + hin hus + hitt Old Norse: hestrinn greinin kirkjan husit Modern: hesten greini kyrkja huse(t)

In many dialects stuff happened. The weak and strong feminines were merged into one, and various sounds changed and fell away, giving us the diversity we have today!

What about Denmark and Sweden?

I tried to give a short overview over some dialects to the right. Notice in particular Jutland, which has a completely different English-like system!

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