Your Phone Isn’t Uploading HD Photos to Facebook by Default


After upgrading my phone and switching over to iOS, I began uploading videos and photos to Facebook using the app itself… only to find out that it was not uploading my files in high-definition quality at all.

In case you didn’t know, by default, your app is set to NOT upload them in HD unless you specifically turn it on. The good news is that it’s really easy to do so.

Simply go into your Facebook Settings, locate Videos and Photos, and then turn on the Upload HD setting for both photos and videos.


As a bonus, you can also stop videos from auto-playing here in this section!

Enabling the setting is just as easy if you’re using Facebook’s app on an Android device (Facebook enabled HD photos on Android in March 2016):


Enjoy sharing your high-quality photos on Facebook!

About the author: Pratik Naik is a photo retoucher specializing in commercial and editorial work. To see his work, head over to his website or give him a follow on Instagram and Facebook. This post originally appeared here.
