Create, delete, rename, copy, and move a worksheet in Excel

Updated: 03/12/2022 by Computer Hope

With Microsoft Excel, features include adding one or more worksheets to a workbook file, and renaming, copying, moving, and deleting a worksheet. To perform any of these actions, follow the steps on this page.


If you do not have Excel or want to know how to create a new worksheet (workbook), see: How to create a spreadsheet.

How to add a new worksheet

To add a new worksheet to your Excel file, follow the steps below for the version of Excel on your computer.

Add worksheet in Excel 2013 and later

Excel 2013 and later

  1. At the bottom of the Excel window, to the right of the last worksheet listed, click the + symbol.
  2. A new worksheet is created, with a default name of "Sheet" plus a number. The number used is one more than the number of existing worksheets. For example, if there are three worksheets in the Excel file, the new worksheet is named "Sheet4".

Use the keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+F1 to create a new worksheet tab in Excel.

Add worksheet in Excel 2010 and earlier

Excel 2010 and earlier

  1. At the bottom of the Excel window, to the right of the last worksheet listed, click the small tab with a folder-like icon.
  2. A new worksheet is created, with a default name of "Sheet" plus a number. The number used is one more than the number of existing worksheets. For example, if there are three worksheets in the Excel file, the new worksheet is named "Sheet4".

How to rename a worksheet

Rename Excel worksheet

To rename a worksheet in an Excel file, follow the steps below.

  1. At the bottom of the Excel window, right-click the worksheet tab you want to rename.
  2. Click the Rename option.
  3. Type the new name for the worksheet and press Enter.

There is a 31 character limit for a worksheet name.

How to copy a worksheet

Copy Excel worksheet

To copy a worksheet, copying all contents of that worksheet to a new worksheet, follow the steps below.

  1. At the bottom of the Excel window, right-click the worksheet tab you want to copy.
  2. Click the Move or Copy option.
  3. In the Move or Copy window, in the Before sheet section, select the worksheet where you want to place the copied worksheet.
  4. Check the box for the Create a copy option, then click OK.

Move or Copy Excel worksheet options

A copy of the worksheet is added and placed before the worksheet you selected in step 3 above. For example, if you had two worksheets named "Sheet1" and "Sheet2," and you selected Sheet2 in step 3, a copy of Sheet2 would be placed before the Sheet1. The result would look like the example picture below. The worksheet named "Sheet2 (2)" is the copy of Sheet2.

Example of copied worksheet

How to move or change the order of worksheets

To change the order or move worksheets in your workbook, click-and-drag any worksheet into the order you want it placed. For example, to make the first tab the last tab, click it, and while continuing to hold the button down, drag it after the far-right tab.

How to delete a worksheet from a workbook

  1. In the sheet tab listing, right-click the worksheet you want to delete.
  2. In the right-click menu, click the Delete option.