[Video] The only magic pill I ever swallowed

Online Video Marketing

A while ago I was recommended to the editor of a trade magazine, a magazine that was read by lots of my potential clients. She liked what I did and wanted to promote my services. But to my horror, she wanted to put my photo in the article.
Something about showing that I was a real person.

It was all a bit fast and furious and before I had time to say "only if we take 300 photos and let me choose the one that looks the least ridiculous", she had her photo and I hated it.

Worse, I was just getting started with video marketing at the time and I was looking for ways of doing it that did not involve me standing in front of a camera. Imagine that! Pictures of me - but moving!
I might as well walk naked along Lambton Quay at lunch time.

I needed a magic pill that would allow me to use video to establish myself as the trusted local expert AND not have to worry about how bad I looked in front of a camera.
I'm not a huge advocate of either magic pills or beanstalks, but this time some simple advice from a friend turned out to be exactly that.

I'll tell you what he said in this video.

(Oh, if you'd like tips for presenting on video you'll find ALL of them in my video.)

Have an amazing Christmas and a safe and relaxing New Year,
Phil, Mike, Jenny & Kalpesh

PS. If you're thinking of dipping your toe in the waters of video marketing, see the link at the bottom of this page. We have some video marketing packages that will keep you well clear of the deep end.