Japan: Two reactor units 'under control'

Two of the six reactor units at Japan's crippled, leaking nuclear plant are now safely under control after their fuel storage pools cooled down, officials said today. Tokyo Electric Power Company declared Units 5 and 6 safe after days of pumping...

March 20, 2011| Times of Malta |01 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

Two of the six reactor units at Japan's crippled, leaking nuclear plant are now safely under control after their fuel storage pools cooled down, officials said today.

Tokyo Electric Power Company declared Units 5 and 6 safe after days of pumping water into the reactors' pool brought temperatures down.

Bringing the two units under control marks a small advance in the efforts to stop the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex from leaking radiation.

The two units are the least problematic of the six reactor units at the plant, which began overheating after the earthquake-triggered tsunami disrupted the plant's cooling systems.

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