The ABCs of 2015 Back-To-School Shopping Behaviors Infographic

The ABCs of 2015 Back-To-School Shopping Behaviors Infographic

The ABCs of 2015 Back-To-School Shopping Behaviors Infographic

Back-to-School season is a popular shopping time for parents who are constantly searching for and sharing the best deals and products. RadiumOne, reached out and surveyed 1,452 shoppers to gain deeper understanding of mobile usage, social media behaviors, and purchase decisions for the 2015 Back-to-School shopping season.

Not surprisingly, data shows parents are increasingly shopping from the comfort of their tablet, laptop, and/or mobile phone. Brands and publishers should be aware of the presence of this online audience, optimizing their content to match these interests as well as their social sharing buttons for mobile.

Here’s the facts:

  • While the majority of shoppers still plan to shop in-store (90%) for back-to-school products, an increasing percentage plan to do their shopping online (45%, +8% from 2014). Even when consumers buy in stores, 1 in 3 uses a mobile device while they shop.
  • Receiving coupons, researching, managing lists, and comparison shopping have risen in mobile shopping behaviors.
  • Facebook is still the top channel for sharing deals and purchases, followed by text messages for purchases and email for deals.
  • Of those who use live video technology, Apple’s FaceTime (versus Meerkat and Periscope) was by far the most popular live video app used when shopping.
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