
Content Strategy: 5 Ways to Improve Your Corporate Blog

3 minute read
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Back in April, we mentioned that CEOs needed to blog more. Though more have ventured into the blog-o-sphere, there is still room for improvement when it comes to the corporate blog. From messaging to monitoring, blogs are not just about the written word. What your blog says once it’s published can speak volumes.

1. Understand What Works (and What Doesn’t)

Let’s assume that your c-level executive spent the last 6 months blogging regularly. Let’s also assume that the blog has analytics with which to measure a blog’s performance. Compare month-to-month stats to see which blog posts got the most traffic, as well as where traffic came from. Although there is no definitive formula for what makes a successful post, most generally agree that high numbers signify increased interest. If the executive blogger isn’t doing his own tracking, laying out a summary may provide some needed direction and strategy for future blog posts.

2. Be Useful

Having said that, not every post needs to be a success. Every post does however need to be purposeful and meaningful to someone. You can’t expect every topic to resonate with everyone, but you should expect to target the needs of a varied audience. Presumably, your audience includes people at all levels, from those who implement products, to those who make decisions about which products to purchase. Providing information that’s useful should be the primary goal of every post. If it isn’t useful, what’s the point?

Learning Opportunities

3. Share Feedback

Not everyone in your company may be reading your blog, despite your best efforts. However, any feedback submitted through a blog should be shared with the company. Let them know what people outside the company are saying. If there are problems, your employees need to know. If compliments are made, they also deserve to know.

4. Develop a Strategy for Negative Feedback

Don’t wait until someone says something negative to respond. Decide early on what you will do. Will you respond directly? Or just watch how it plays out among commenters? Chances are since you’ve been blogging someone has said something less than positive. How did you respond? What did you learn? What would you do differently? Evaluate the process and refine accordingly.

5. Show Your Personality

You are the voice of your company, shouldn’t your readers get to know you better? Relate yourself to your posts. Share stories, anecdotes or fun facts about yourself to help readers relate. Anyone can write boring blog posts, but the point is to be engaging. If your readers like you, chances are they’ll read what you write even if it doesn’t relate to them directly. Inject some (safe) humor, show a little humanity, but most of all be yourself.

About the Author

Marisa Peacock

Marisa Peacock has more than seven years experience as a marketing consultant and social media strategist. With a strong background, experience and interest in social media, emerging web technologies, web design and multimedia, Marisa has defined and developed web, social media and multimedia marketing strategies for non-profits, small businesses and independent schools. Connect with Marisa Peacock: