Smart Phone Apps For The Holiday Traveler

Smart Phone Apps For The Holiday Traveler

IT goes without saying: Holiday travel is brutal. Security lines are longer. Planes are more crowded. The battle for storage space heats up as travelers vie to stuff all those gift-laden bags in overhead bins. And if bad weather hits, your delayed or canceled flight may make you tardy for Christmas or New Year's dinner -- that is, if you even make it out of the airport.

This year, the experience may be even more intense. Over the holidays, 43.6 million passengers are expected to travel on United States carriers, up about 3 percent from last year, according to the Air Transport Association of America, the industry trade group.

Still, holiday travel doesn't have to be totally miserable. While the usual groundwork -- showing up early with boarding passes in hand and packing as lightly as possible -- still applies, an array of travel applications for smartphones can help you tackle just about any problem that might arise at or on your way to the airport. So before you leave home this year, take a moment to download a few of these to help you navigate the holiday crush.

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