Left Behind Phone Chargers Pile Up in Hotels

Left Behind Phone Chargers Pile Up in Hotels
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"Sue Frause has left her two phone chargers at the last two hotels where she stayed. She now has no phone chargers and one very dead phone."

That was the status I posted on my Facebook wall yesterday. As you can imagine, there was no shortage of feedback about my sorry situation. The comments included a couple of suggestions: "I travel with a colorful small makeup bag that is only for my charger. Leave it in plain view and you won't forget" and "I charge mine in the bathroom, on the counter, so when I take a last minute check in the WC for left things, there it is. More in full view!"

And of course, there was a bit of humorous advice: "Is there a 12-step program for this?" commented one of my FB friends.

Mitchell Fawcett, Marketing Communications Manager for The Westin Bayshore in Vancouver, tweeted me about my dilemma: "Cell phone chargers are the #1 item in our our lost and found." He included a link to an article in The Province: Forgotten chargers pile up. The PR person at The Fairmont Empress on Vancouver Island tweeted that it was the number one item left behind at Victoria's iconic hotel. Lori Vandenbrink of Sleeping Lady in Leavenworth, WA also listed chargers as the top item left behind by guests at the mountain resort. "I was going to email you and tell you we could probably replace it out of our cache!" said Vandenbrink.

Fortunately, the two hotels where I left my phone chargers are within driving distance of my home. I rescued one yesterday, and hope to pick up the second one in a few days. We smart phone users can never have too many chargers.

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