Project Description

Lynn Kitchen had a Youtube channel full of videos, and no way to build an audience. She knew she needed a website, but wasn’t sure about what components she needed: an email newsletter? An external video hosting platform? A membership area?

This was what she had before she started working with me:


And this is what she got after:


Lynn had been to plenty of seminars and webinars that recommended everything from InfusionSoft to Webinar Express, and while she was interested in teaching seminars and building an audience, she wasn’t sure what to do next.

After our first marketing consultation, I was able to assess her needs and recommend the platforms that would provide her with the greatest impact, and not take up unnecessary time and attention. We set up Mailchimp signup forms, and I composed a call-to-action paired with a subscription incentive that started building her list.

Then I designed a video-centric website, to display the video material she had created in a theater-style presentation. The video sliders made this an immediately engaging presentation, and the featured images of the blog posts are screenshots taken from each of her latest interviews.

Now as she interviews new people, the posts dynamically feed on her home page. Her email newsletter list is growing by leaps and bounds, and when she teaches a seminar, she knows she has a high-quality website to which she can refer her audience, so they can stay in touch with her in the future.

It’s absolutely beautiful!!!! I AM THRILLED – this is all really coming together – WOW – its like watching my dreams come to LIFE!!
Thank you!”

– Lynn  Kitchen

See the finished product at