Is this collection plate politics?

Dominick Cross

We're all aware of Gov. Bobby Jindal's response recently to the Louisiana Statehouse voting down his "religious freedom" bill so businesses can refuse to serve the same-sex marriage types.

This comes on the heels of the Pew Research Center's poll last week about the decline of Christians in the U.S., which you probably have heard about; Bishop Michael Jarrell's response to it, and my take on it, as well.

Anyway, what you may not know about are the emails I get from Matthew Faraci with Faith Driven Consumer™ and Faith Driven Entertainment™, an advocacy organization that it says represents 41 million Christians who spend $2 trillion annually.

The organization advocates for tolerance and equality for people of faith and sometimes has issues with the recent movies based on the bible. We all have opinions and we all have the freedom to express them. That's fine. That's America.

But what sits funny with me, though, aren't the concerns Faith Driven folks have with movies, politicians or political correctness, but the way the press releases always harp on how much money 41 million Christians have.

Okay, I get it. Christians have money and buying power and influence and some have all three. So what? Wouldn't that Christian money supposedly spent on a religious or secular movie, be better served assisting those in need?

How about the many who are hungry? Children dying in poverty? The unemployed, and the homeless, including veterans — and that's just in this country. There's also unfathomable suffering by refugees in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and the Ukraine.

We also have clean drinking water issues, famine and drought knocking at the world's door that movie ticket money could maybe help keep at bay. Throw in money spent on popcorn, soda and candy and we'd have these problems licked.

Seriously, I just can't wrap my head around Jesus Christ really caring about how much money his followers have – then or now. I can't help think about what happened to the money changers in the temple and the whole camel going through the eye of a needle thing (Matthew 19:24).

So before we start hearing about the "War on Christians" in the U.S., I'd like to pre-empt that faux battle cry with: You can practice the religion of your choice without persecution in this country; it's in our Constitution.

In the U.S., religiosity is everywhere and unhindered at that. I see signs advertising Sunday school, Bible study, catechism, etc., and the information is usually posted on the tax-free grounds of churches, synagogues, mosques and other assorted buildings of worship.

I've seen businesses not only advertising church activities/programs, they have crosses tied into their logo or proudly displayed on their buildings. I have bought raffle tickets regarding religious events or church bake sales at home, at grocery stores and at work.

There's also an abundance of religious programming on television and radio, especially on Sunday during church. There are religious schools and religious bookstores and religious people freely walking around trying to save unbelievers, doubters and just plain regular sinners.

I've even seen religious bumper stickers; swear on a stack of Bibles.

Oddly enough, though, there's some real zeal for religion in government, the military and in public policy. Again, I think the U.S. Constitution addresses these concerns. Otherwise, think about it: Which god would get the nod?

I'm thinking there's a Catholic God, a Baptist God, a Protestant God, a Jehovah's Witness God, or a single God reflecting multiple Christian beliefs. I'd also imagine there's an Islamic God, a Jewish God, a Buddhist God and a Quaker God. Is there a Scientology God?

If that's settled, depending which God gets the nod, the National Good Book could be either The New Testament, The Old Testament, The Koran, the Torah, or even Dianetics.

I'm thinking if we do go down that road, would there be backlash, like, say a warning label on places of worship that reads: "The rituals and beliefs practiced beyond these doors are based solely on faith and are not based on verifiable scientific fact or irrefutable evidence as we know it, anyway. Enter at your own risk."

Somebody say, "Ahem?"