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My Thanksgiving eating tip

I’m so excited.  I love the holidays because this is the one of two times the family gets together and we have a good time. Of course there is always reason to give thanks and to eat some good food.  It’s always hard during the holidays to slow the eating down when you’re being tempted so much, right?


I know I’ve already posted the tips on how to stay in control over the holidays but I want to stress this to you again.  Thanksgiving is one day so you should enjoy it.  But remember it’s one day!

I normally get up and do some type of exercise on Thanksgiving morning.  Before I was comfortable running races, I still got up to run 3 miles around the hood or just went for a long walk.  Now I run the Turkey Trot. There’s just something about getting active that makes me feel better about enjoying Thanksgiving.  If you can, get up a little earlier and do a workout; get the blood pumping.

My biggest tip: stay in control.  There is going to be a lot of amazing delicious unavoidable food at the table, so enjoy it.  Enjoy it but don’t over indulge or pig out.  Have a piece of pie, don’t eat the whole pie.  Or split the pie with someone else.

Eat like you normally would on the day so you’re not starving when it comes to eating the meal.  When you do that, you’re taking control away from yourself because you’re going to be more inclined to pig out.   Most importantly, drink water before, during and after you eat.  It will help you feel full and keeps you hydrated!  Know the difference between hungry and thirsty!

Also try to make some low calorie desserts for yourself to enjoy instead of eating all the sugary goodness.  I’ll hopefully be posting some of that stuff for you tomorrow so you still have time to enjoy!

I sure am looking forward to spiral ham AND cornbread dressing!  I’m pretty sure Willie is excited for the pecan pie! Willie and I are hosting Thanksgiving again this year and we are so excited!  Good things will be happening in the Gilly kitchen!

What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

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