Refinery29 has published an opus of butts. These butts are supposed to make you feel better about your butt because the butts aren't photoshopped. Some of the butts have cellulite, some of them aren't very muscular, and some of them, well, some of them have burning candles in them.
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What does this butt candle say to you about your body image? Does this butt candle make you feel proud to be a unique woman? Does this butt candle tell you to let the slight butt rash you got from sex on poor quality sheets last night shine on? Does this butt candle ward off butt critics with its eternal flame?
Did this butt just have its first communion? Maybe it's not about you after all. Maybe it's about empathy. Feel for the butt. The butt has been through a lot and has come out the other side stronger than ever. The butt has to be naked with its symbolic candle because a butt in clothes is a butt shrouded in shame. This is a proud butt, a candle-wielding butt, a butt that will not sit idly by while other butts are scorned for their shape or their size or their buttne. This is Joan D'Butt. Let the butt inspire your butt.Ponder the butt. How can you be more like this butt?Follow Emma on Twitter.
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Emma Barker
Features Editor

Emma Barker edits longform reporting at Cosmopolitan. She lives with her husband in Brooklyn, NY.