
Optimized Presentation of XML Content

Date: Dec 15, 2006

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Ivan Pepelnjak shows how to optimize the process of converting XML back-end data stored on a web server into HTML markup displayed in a web browser.


The internal representation of static web site content or dynamic data displayed on a web site is increasingly stored in XML format due to ever-widening support of XML in scripting languages, web browsers, and SQL databases. Before this semantically structured data is presented to the end user, it’s almost always transformed into browser-friendly HTML markup.

There are many ways to perform XML-to-HTML transformation. Sometimes programmers use XML Document Object Model (DOM) calls in web server scripts to extract individual fields and attributes from the XML data and insert them into an HTML template. Similarly, some AJAX solutions download XML data to the browser and perform the copy/paste operations there. More advanced engineers usually tap the power of XSLT to handle XML-to-HTML transformations on the web server or within JavaScript code on browsers supporting XSLT.

All of these solutions are suboptimal for the following reasons:

In the following sections, you’ll learn how you can use the XSLT technology to reduce the document download time and server CPU utilizations for most of your visitors, while at the same time retaining compatibility with older browsers and ensuring visibility to search engines.

The Framework

The solution presented in this article is architecturally very simple:

The code examples we’ll use for this article also assume the following (although you can easily adapt them to fit your environment):

To request the browser to perform the XSLT transformation, we’ll use the <?xml-stylesheet ?> processing instruction, with the type attribute set to text/xsl. Upon encountering this instruction in an XML document, XSLT-capable browsers download the referenced XSLT style sheet and use it to transform the XML data into HTML markup, resulting in the following benefits:

For visitors without XSLT-capable browsers or for search engine spiders, the XML-to-HTML transformation is performed on the web server, and the resulting HTML markup is served to the visitor.

The Solution

The core component of the solution (the complete source is available here) is the OutputXMLResponse subroutine shown in Listing 1, which checks for the presence of the XML cookie with the UseXMLOutput function, outputting an XML document if the cookie is set, or the transformed HTML markup if the cookie is not present. The parameters to this function are an XML document parsed in a DOM tree (XDoc) and the relative path to the XSLT style sheet (StyleURL).

Listing 1 Main output function.

Sub OutputXMLResponse(XDoc,StyleURL)
 Dim XSLT,HText

 If UseXMLOutput Or IsNull(StyleURL) Then
  OutputXMLDocument XDoc,StyleURL
  HText = LocalXSLTransform(XDoc,StyleURL)
  OutputUTFtext HText, "text/html"
 End If
End Sub

The UseXMLOutput function, shown in Listing 2, checks for the presence of the XML cookie. Due to incomplete support of XSLT in Internet Explorer 5, it always returns False if the user agent is IE5.

Listing 2 Select XML or HTML response.

Function UseXMLOutput
 UseXMLOutput = False
 If InStr(Request ("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),"MSIE 5") > 0 Then Exit Function
 UseXMLOutput = Request.Cookies("XML") = "1"
End Function

The OutputXMLDocument subroutine in Listing 3 is conceptually simple: It prepends the xml-stylesheet processing directive in front of the XML root element, and outputs the value of the xml property of the DOM document by using the OutputUTFtext function. A minor adjustment is needed to ensure that the <?xml ?> processing instruction is always present in the output XML stream; see the source code for the complete subroutine.

Listing 3 Send XML text to the client.

Sub OutputXMLDocument(XDoc,StyleURL)
 Dim XPI
 If StyleURL <> "" Then
  Set XPI = XDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "href=’" & StyleURL & "’ type=’text/xsl’")
  XDoc.insertBefore XPI, XDoc.firstChild.nextSibling
 End If
 OutputUTFtext XDoc.xml,"text/xml"
End Sub

When the XML cookie is not set, the LocalXSLTransform function in Listing 4 performs the XSLT transformation. It creates a new DOM document, loads the XSL style sheet into it, and uses the style sheet to transform the input DOM document. You could also enhance its performance with server-cached XSLT processors.

Listing 4 Perform local XSLT transformation.

Function LocalXSLTransform(XDoc,StyleURL)
 Set XSLT = Server.CreateObject(DOMClass)
 SetXMLOptions XDoc : SetXMLOptions XSLT
 If Not XSLT.Load (Server.MapPath(StyleURL)) Then RaiseError "XSL stylesheet load failed " & StyleURL
 If XSLT.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then RaiseError "XML parsing failed: " & XSLT.parseError.reason
 LocalXSLTransform = XDoc.transformNode(XSLT)
End Function

Sub SetXMLOptions (XD)
 XD.Async = False
 XD.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest",true
 XD.setProperty "AllowDocumentFunction",true
End Sub

Sub RaiseError(Txt)
 Err.Raise vbObjectError+1, "XML library",Txt
End Sub

Finally, the OutputUTFtext function in Listing 5 returns the XML text string or HTML markup to the client. This function clears the output buffer (to erase any previous debugging messages or HTML markup embedded in the script), sets the content-type header, changes the codepage property to a UTF-8 code page, displays the input result text, and stops response processing.

Listing 5 Output UTF-8 text to the client.

Sub OutputUTFtext (txt,contentType)
 Response.ContentType = contentType
 Response.Charset = "utf-8"
 Response.Codepage = 65001
 Response.Write txt
End Sub

Browser Checking

The code needed to check the browser’s XSLT support is conceptually simple:

  1. A small XML file requesting an XSLT style sheet is downloaded from the web server (see Listing 6).

    Listing 6 Browser-check XML file.

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <?xml-stylesheet href="browserCheck.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
    <root />
  2. The resulting HTML markup contains JavaScript code to set the XML cookie (see Listing 7). Therefore, if the browser processes the <?xml-stylesheet ?> directive correctly, the XML cookie will be set. (You can also include the Internet Explorer 5 check here.)

    Listing 7 Browser-check XSL style sheet.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <xsl:output method="html" />
    <xsl:template match="/">
      <head><script src="xmlPresentation.js" type="text/javascript"><!-- contains xSetCookie --></script></head>
      <body onload="xSetCookie(’XML’,’1’)">Cookie set</body>

The simplest way to integrate the browser-check code with your web pages is to include a hidden IFRAME in every page:

<IFRAME src="browserCheck.xml" style="height: 0px; width: 0px;" />

If you use this solution, make sure that you attend to these details:

You can also implement a number of other solutions:

Static XML Files

The static XML files residing on your server must be handled in three different ways:

Due to the varying client requirements, the static XML files cannot be served directly, but instead have to be processed by a server-side script accepting the filename and XSLT style sheet as input parameters. The URL to download a static XML file would thus be similar to this:


The easiest way to implement this script is to load the XML data from the source file into a DOM tree structure and output the result using the OutputXMLResponse function described earlier. A simplistic implementation of this script (with no error checking) is included in Listing 8. Alternatively, you can implement the same functionality by reading the source XML file and inserting the <?xml-stylesheet ?> directive as a string in the output stream.

Listing 8 Return XML or HTML response from a static XML file.

Set XDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.5.0")
xmlStyleSheet = Null
If Request("xsl") <> "" Then xmlStyleSheet = Request("xsl")
OutputXMLResponse XDoc,xmlStyleSheet

For XML files already containing the <?xml-stylesheet ?> directive (or whenever sendXML.asp is called without the style sheet parameter), you can implement another optimization technique: Rather than returning the raw XML data, the server-side script can return the 301 (Moved Permanently) HTTP status code, which ensures that the browser won’t call the server-side script in the future but instead will fetch the XML file directly.


XSLT is a powerful tool to transform server-side XML data into client-side HTML markup. Most commonly, it’s used on the web server, where its usage increases the server CPU utilization as well as the web page download time, since the HTML markup is usually significantly larger than the underlying XML data.

In this article, you’ve learned how you can use the <?xml-stylesheet ?> processing instruction to request XML-to-HTML transformation on the web browser. This solution doesn’t require JavaScript (like AJAX-based solutions) and thus is also available to visitors who have disabled JavaScript in their browsers.

With this solution, server-side XML-to-HTML transformation will be performed for visitors without XSL-capable browsers, as well as for search engine spiders. A cookie set with an automatic browser-check is used in the framework presented in this article to identify XSL-capable browsers; all other visitors receive traditional HTML markup generated on the server.

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