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Kerry Wood gave his hands the Moises Alou treatment

Kerry Wood

Chicago Cubs pitcher Kerry Wood acknowledges applause from the crowd as he makes his way to the bullpen to warm up against the Los Angeles Angels in the third inning of a spring training baseball game on Saturday, March 31, 2012, in Mesa, Ariz. (AP Photo/Paul Connors)


The recently retired Kerry Wood was on the Waddle & Silvy show today and got to talking about his teammates who provided leadership and stuff. One he mentioned: Moises Alou. One of the hosts asks him about, well, Alou’s particular hand-preparation technique.

...And Wood said he did it too. To deal with blister problems. “Peeing on my fingers was probably the least, like, amount of stuff I’ve done,” he said. He said you’re willing to try anything when you’re having problems. Go to around the 19 minute mark for the exchange.

Baseball ain’t always pretty, people.

(thanks to Anthony for the heads up)