After some discussions between the Mageia Council and the Packagers’ team, we’ve decided to make some changes to the Mageia 2 release schedule.
There are a couple of reasons for this, the main one being that we feel that the list of important bugs still remaining to be solved needs more time and attention before we release.
The bugs mostly relate to the systemd/dracut migration, and changes needed in the installer and drakxtools.
While we’re working on these bugs, our artwork and documentation and i18n teams will have a little longer to get everything polished and as near perfect as possible; we hope you’ll be pleased with the result!
We think you’ll agree that it’s more important to have Mageia stable, than to stick to the original release date.
Because we want to deliver the best-quality Mageia 2 release, we’re adding a third beta release, and pushing back the dates for the release candidate and the final release:
- Beta 3, April 14th 2012:
- we’ll be relying on everybody to test this release thoroughly, so we can find and fix as many bugs as possible
- Release Candidate, May 2nd 2012:
- this should have already achieved final release quality, and it will be the last chance for us to find and fix bugs before the final release,
- Mageia 2 final stable release, May 15th, at last.
- Enjoy and celebrate!
I find this to be really great news. I am VERY satisfied with Mageia 1 which I am now using on the primary two of my four systems. PLEASE, PLEASE take all the time you need to make this a pain free upgrade as much as is possible. One of my lingering nightmares from the Mandriva days was upgrades that ALWAYS went terribly wrong followed by months of stuff not working right only to get fixed just days before the next upgrade. To date Mageia has been incredibly stable and usable. It has been my best Linux experience ever since I started using Linux in 1999. I REALLY want it to stay that way, so please don’t rush this one out the door. I am prepared to HAPPILY wait for as long as it takes to produce a winner of stellar proportions with Mageia 2.
Pingback: Mageia: Aplazamiento de su versión final 2 | Gustavo Pimentel's GNU/Linux Blog
I agree that stable is much more important than soon.
Pingback: Mageia 2 Delayed for More Bug Hunting | PHP World
Take your time, it’s looking great
I am looking forward to reviewing this. I really liked Mageia 1, and am certain that 2 will maintain the high quality. I’m glad you are moving the release date in order that issues are fixed first.
I’d be willing to test your 3rd beta, but I don’t know a lot about how to report bugs, and what kind of tests you would want. Feel free to email me with info regarding that.
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For a major problem for testing audience is the lack of test live CDs. Do you know when the dracut migration problem preventing the generation of the CDs will be fixed for beta 3?
Indeed. Live CDs are on the way and we are starting just now tests for beta 3. So no worry :). Waiting then for your feedbacks when beta 3 is out
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Development needs its time.
I work at research institute and I know quick development.
Hello, I have used Mandriva for a long time. When I tried to install Mageia 1, do not know why not leave me, nor let me use the Live CD. When the first screen shows all the desktop hangs. I hope I have many Mageia 2, but I hope that solve all problems. This problem should not appear in the distribution. And it seems that also were ready to test the Live CD versions of Mageia Beta 2 !!
I really appreciate the attention to details you guys are putting into Mageia. Mageia 1 was a very nice first release and Mageia 2 is shaping to be equally awesome. And I agree with above, stability is paramount and pushing the release to achieve it is wise. Good call!
I was Mandriva user for many years now that I switch to Mageia, downloaded Mageia 1 and when I try from the Live CD, happens to be hanging panel (KDE and GNOME when starting staying frozen). This is a serious bug in the graphics. Hopefully in Mageia 2, these horrors are resolved. I would like to have Mageia 2 Live CD to test on my computer. I wish all the best, and hopefully the magic will return again. –
This seems to be a bug rather specific to your computer. I’m not aware of anyone else having reported it.
So if you do find problems, it would be best to report them in our bugtracker:
My Video Card is an integrated video card Intel Intel driver, maybe that will serve to clarify this problem. –
I agree, there are a few bugs that are more than a nusance value in there still.
And I have added a few ‘wired’ install problems, both yesterday and this morning from an install point of view that are more than a nusance, although mostly they do need to go in as enhancements since were so close to the end of the beta phase.
Hopefully beta3 will have the worst sorted out.
good to hear about a beta 3, i installed beta 2 and it was worse than beta 1 (maybe just my case), i just did not have internet for some time to report things …
I have really enjoyed using Mageia. I came to Mageia from Mandriva, and before that Mandrake, and before that Red Hat 6 (I was a very long time ago). I’ve experimented with dozens of distros over the years but I’ve always come back to Mandriva/Mageia.
It is the best distro I’ve ever used..of any system with the exception of a few small issues. I always dual boot and I use my linux setup almost exclusively. All my various computers use Mageia with the exception of one older laptop. Mageia works great in all of these computers. Two laptops, four netbooks and to desktops.
I am extremely pleased with Mageia 1. Do what you need to make the next one as good as the first! Well done!
Pingback: Mageia 2 aplaza las fechas para el lanzamiento de sus versiones
Pingback: Calendario de lanzamiento revisado Mageia 2 | Mageia Blog (Español)
i tried Mageia 1 and to be honest i like is very much in Virtual box but on my system its unable to boot which is very strange it hang hope it workout on Mageia 2
my hardware spec are
intel chip 2.66
motherboard intel classic series
6gb ram transend
nvidia 8600 GT graphic card
i never face any problem to any linux expect pclinux one time and this one hope its sortout
also i to make Suggestion that many actives enable by default which make it pretty slow as too much running so i suggest disable all unnecessary and let users decide what they want.
also like that your geeks upload review vidoes on youtube also it nice if some basic tutorial videos for newbies would be fun.
Pingback: Fedora 17 y Mageia 2 sufren nuevos retrasos
While you’re hard at work squashing bugs and whatnot, why not let us download some sounds/wallpapers found in Mageia 2?
Also, is Mageia following the tick-tock release schedule?
May 15 2012: Mageia 2.0
[6 months later]
Nov 15 2012: Mageia 2.5 (minor upgrade from 2.0)
[6 months later]
May 15 2013: Mageia 3.0
This way, the major version number is the same as the last digit of the year.
Simple and elegant.
Sounds and wallpapers found in Mga2?
We don’t have any sounds, that are not found upstream. There was some thinking about creating a Mageia sound theme, but it was not finished.
And we are right now on integrating the new artwortk for Mga2, so there’s not much to download right now…
About the release: we are using a very simple numbering. There was Mageia 1, the upcoming one is Mageia 2, the next one after it (we are planing for a nine month schedule) will be Mageia 3 and so on…
Just counting numbers upwards…
why not a twelve month schedule? will simplify this too, would look good and stylish, and maybe would provide an extremely stable system! (more time to develop and test)
we did have a rather long discussion about that topic and the 9 month cycle was the compromise, we agreed upon.
I don’t see any real reason to change this again after just one release.
Of course the decision can be reconsidered at some time in the future, but changing things like that every few months is not such a good idea imho.
Go-go boys
you´re deal nice job.
Loving the new release date, just 3 days before my grad ceremony. Nice grad gift
I’m looking forward to some serious testing this weekend! Let’s hope the RPM problems have been sorted out.
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